
Gaea random library reference is out!

With the random library the user can use random numbers generated from several distributions sush as Normal, Bivariate Normal, Gamma, Beta, Binomial, Negative Binomial, Poisson, Multinomial and others.

The usage is very easy as illustrated in the following example. Here we get a random value from a Normal distribution of mean=0 and sigma=1:

 GAEA > (require :random) NIL GAEA > (random:random-normal 0d0 1d0) -0.18245537813658388d0 

The full reference for random library can be found here ....

Gaea re library for regular expression operations is out.

A regular expression can be comprised of a specific sequence of characters, a "patern" of characters. In this way it can facilitate the matching of complex sequences of strings, using specialized syntax contained in pattern(s).

The following example contains one form of usage of the re library :

 GAEA > (require :re) NIL GAEA > (re:scan "b(.)r" "foo bar baz bur") 4 7 #(5) #(6) 

The first and second return values are the start and end of the matching substring "b(.)r",...

Gaea threading library reference is out!

In many applications, there is a need to run something in a different thread. For example, when a computation takes a lot of time to complete, and you want to regain control of your program, or in GUI applications where the main thread is responsible for the GUI, and some other functionality needs to run independently. This can be achieved by making the application multithreaded. Gaea , being a high-level programming language, offers also capabilities for creating multithreaded applications. This is achieved by using the threading package...

Gaea unittest library reference is out!

Unit testing is, according to Wikipedia, a method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to determine whether they are fit for use. Now you can use Gaea , in order to apply unit testing to your code.

Check out the Gaea unittest library reference here .

Examples of using the package are given here .

If you want to know more about Gaea unittest library and other capabilities,...

As we saw in previous posts , all real systems have some damping. The damping forces affect the response also on forced vibrations, especially around resonance. It is essential in practice to be able to incorporate them in the theoretical models and investigate the effect of damping in forced vibration.

Following the theory given in the post for Harmonic forced vibration of single dof oscillator we will consider plotting the response amplitude and phase using Gaea for several values of damping ratio. The code for doing this is given below:


The Gaea C Foreign Function Interface library reference is out!

The purpose of this library is to facilitate the calling of C code from Gaea without learning a 3rd party language. The CFFI design requires users to know only C and Gaea , minimizing the extra bits of API needed to be learned. The approach of Gaea 's CFFI is to keep all the Gaea -related logic in Gaea so that you don't need to write much C code.

Check out the CFFI reference here .

Examples of using the package are given here .

If you want to know more about Gaea CFFI and other capabilities...