A version 1.0 of Gaea is ready!

Gaea is a physics modeling and simulation language. Gaea has a source code editor, i.e. comes with an integrated development enviroment, and provides libraries for regular expressions, csv reading and writing, logging, and json parsing. It provides a sqlite (the database is also included) interface, and bindings for the Tk graphics toolkit. Gaea comes also with machine learning algorithms, support vector machine, and hidden Markov model libraries. Gaea also provides an optimal experimental design library. Additionally, Gaea offers statistics, graph and optimization algorithms, as well as ordinary differential equation solver.

Apart from all of the above, Gaea is a full-fledged programming language, with various data structures, functions, condition system, dynamic typing and automatic storage management, an object system,and higher-order functions. Finally, Gaea also provides an interface in order to communicate with C code, through a foreign function interface.

So to sum up, Gaea version 1.0 is ready.

Do you want to know more? Don't hesitate to contact us.
